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Fast engineering solutions for mines

Featured projects

  • Misima Gold, Papua New Guinea

    In a remote island in Papua New Guinea, Misima Island hosts a large historical gold reserve. Kingston Resources is restarting the operations and Stellen has completed water management and services design for the new mine infrastructure area, pit dewatering, and an overall mine water balance.

    With five metres of rain per year, and two existing 5.5GL pits full of water, it is one of the most complex water problems to solve. Rather than treating and disposing of the existing pit water, our design includes its transfer and reuse for raw and process water.

  • E48 Underground, Northparkes

    Northparkes Mines operates a copper/gold mine near Parkes NSW. E48 was a new block cave project which included a new crusher, materials handling system and extraction level infrastructure. A Stellen engineer led the design, construction and commissioning of the extraction level infrastructure.

    Because of financial staging, most of the project was implemented after mining operations had commenced. This meant careful planning and coordination (and negotiation) to conduct an expansion project in a live operating environment. The project was completed ahead of schedule.

  • Ravensworth North, Singleton

    On this $1.6bn open-cut expansion, Stellen engineer, Logan completed the site water balance and water management design. His work included design of the pumping systems, controls, and preparation of the water management system functional specification.

    Ian managed the construction-phase design, procurement, and delivery of the upgraded MIA for buildings, services and the new fuel facility. The delivery required resolving a wide range of civil and related design challenges including: design optimisation based on procurement strategy; services coordination (power, water, sewer and stormwater).

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Technical services

Water Management

    • Water balance modelling

    • Water recycing and reuse

    • Water and wastewater treatment

    • Process and raw and fire water water management

    • Sedimentation

    • Pit and mine dewatering

    • Process and raw water transfer

    • Pump design and selection

Drainage and Flooding

    • Pit, pipe and culvert design

    • Collection, storage, treatment and reuse

    • Rivers, streams and flood plains

    • Emergency management

Roads and Earthworks

    • Feasibility and optioneering

    • Regulator approvals

    • Pavement, geometry and intersections

    • Cut and fill design

    • Retaining structures

What our clients say


“Before we met Stellen, we'd worked with a number of larger multi-discipline consulting firms. We got our projects over the line but often found slow response to change and new ideas.

After having worked with Stellen and a team of smaller specialists, we realised the power in having a nimble and flexible team.

Looking forward, we will certainly adopt this approach again--steering away from the larger firms toward a responsive team of specialists.”

— Andrew Corbett

CEO, Kingston Resources


“We are very grateful for the solutions developed by Logan and Mo from Stellen.

They are strategic in their thinking, both technically and socially, not settling for the very first answer.

Their smart flood work resolved very complex problems and achieved a much more elegant outcome than originally expected.

— Nicole Lasky

Project Director, John Holland Group



“I  have been in this industry for over 30 years and worked with many  technical consultants. The Stellen design team's technical proficiency  is mature and they work as if they have many years' experience solving the most difficult mine water problems. 

Stellen's  solutions were consistently practical considering not only construction, but always operations  and maintenance, too. 

If you can solve this water problem in PNG, you can solve a water problem anywhere. 

In  the future I would recommend Stellen to other clients who value  pragmatic solutions delivered by a flexible and innovative team. ”

— John Wyche

Managing Director, Australian Mine Design and Development

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Numbers don’t lie — factfulness on water and energy issues

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